抛光油棒FPGY灰色油棒:搭配麻轮或牛布轮使用,适合一般金属(如:铁、不锈钢、铝合金、铜材等)表面粗级研磨FPBR棕色油棒: 搭配牛布轮或布轮使用,适合(如: 铜、锌、铝合金等非铁质金属)表面研磨、抛光处理FPWH白色油棒: 搭配布轮使用,适合于(适合铝及铝合金)等表面抛光处理FPGR绿色油棒:搭配布轮使用,适合于(如:钢、不锈钢、铝合金及铜金属)表面抛光处理FPBL蓝色油棒: 搭配布轮使用,适用于(如: 不锈钢、铝合金、铜材、铬、金、银、和塑胶类等)金属表面抛光,精细修正处理。 UNION Polishing Compound Fast Cutting FPGY ¦ Use with Stitched Sisal or Stitched Rag for steel, stainless steel, aluminium copper & brass Fine Cutting FPBR ¦ Use with Stitched Rag or Loose Leaf Calico for steel, stainless steel, aluminium, copper & brass Medium Polishing FPWH ¦ Use with Loose Leaf Calico for aluminium & aluminium alloys Fine Polishing FPGR ¦ Use with Loose Leaf Calico for steel, stainless steel, copper & brass Super Fine Polishing FPBL ¦ Use with Loose Leaf Calico for chrome, gold, silver, die-cast & most plastics
運用乾燥處理過的花朵,星兒工作坊的學員讓自己的創意恣意奔放,花與書香有了美麗的蟹逅.... 規格:長16.5cm,寬4cm 價錢:NT.35元/張