
優利牌可調式筆刷,適用於車體修護、珠寶及鐘錶表面清潔或凹槽的沉積污垢、金屬物品及玻璃物件拋光處理、各種工業精細刷磨處理,亦可修復輕微刮傷表面。 可手動調整外露毛長度,不需使用時亦可收起毛刷入筆筒,避免暴露於空氣中。刷毛有磨損時,替換刷毛即可,刷毛種類有:黑鋼、銅、不銹鋼、尼龍、玻璃纖維、矽砂尼龍。 [Applications] With pen-shaped handles are idea to removing rust, polishing metal, soft plastic, glass…and hard to reach area. Will not scratch on the workpiece. Provide economical solutions to car lovers, jeweler, engineer, or hobbyist for fine detail cleaning. [Features] The length of filaments can be adjusted to extend applying on theworkpiece. The refill is conveniently stored in the handle where it will not be exposed in air when not in use. Bristles can be replaced by refills. Available materials: STEEL, BRASS, STAINLESS STEEL, NYLON, GLASS FIBER, ABRASIVE NYLON.
